How to Overcome 3 Unconscious Biases That Can Keep Your Financial Goals Out of Reach



我们会考虑所有的事实. 然后,我们会权衡风险,做出最合理的选择.1


然而,在现实世界中,这种情况并没有发生得那么多.1, 2

That’s because many of us aren’t relying on logic and the facts to make financial decisions—and we probably don’t even realize it.2


When that happens, we tend to depend on impulse, emotion, and flawed reasoning––not the facts.

And that can make it incredibly challenging for even the smartest folks in the room to make sensible financial choices.2

那么,它是什么 真的 用我们的钱做出更好的决定?



Any of us can experience one or more of these unconscious biases at some point in life. 学习如何快速识别它们, 能帮助我们接受新信息吗, 指导我们做出明智的决定,找到更好的金融机会. 

1. 光环效应

光环效应, 我们低估或高估了一些选择, 基于我们觉得有吸引力的任意因素. 简单地说, we see a “halo” around certain options just because of how those options are presented and not based on any facts or actual due diligence.1

投资的例子你有机会投资A公司或B公司. Company A is run by an Ivy League graduate who wears a suit during the investment pitch. Company B is operated by a non-Ivy-Leaguer who doesn’t wear the suit when you meet him. So, 你投资A公司,因为它看起来是更好的投资, based on the “look” of it and not based on any facts about potential risks or payoffs.1

标志: “他们看起来更专业,所以他们可能更成功.” 

光环效应可以 真的 围绕某些品牌的强势. 如果你因为品牌知名度而被吸引进行投资, take that as a red flag of the halo effect—and make sure you’re not skipping the due diligence before making an investment decision.1

2. 快速思考

在快速思维的影响下, 我们准备现在就行动, 没有任何检查点,作为快速获取大量信息的反应. 与, 我们的思维速度加快,倾向于走捷径, racing with thoughts of riches and making us feel like we have to make a choice—and sometimes a big one—ASAP.1

投资的例子: You’re in a high-pressure seminar with a fast-talking pitchman who’s highlighting a “golden” opportunity, 你必须迅速行动,参与其中. Fast thinking can also take hold when you’re researching investment options in internet rabbit holes, 充斥着信息和很少的过滤器.1

标志: “There’s not a lot of time left, so I better jump into this “great” investment in a BIG way right now!”

这种需要是典型的快速思维在发挥作用, 而且它通常不是最佳财务选择的背后. 而不是, 它往往会误导人们迅速采取重大行动, 在他们考虑所有或任何不利因素之前.1

3. 未来v. 现在的自我

当我们体验未来v. 当前自我偏见, we think of ourselves as two different people, and we value our present self more. 换句话说, 我们倾向于把“未来的自己”看作另一个人, and we don’t recognize that our “other” self doesn’t need the same things our “present self” does.1

So, we tend to make financial decisions that benefit our present self more than our future self, leaving us not as prepared as we’d like to be when the future ultimately becomes the present.1

投资的例子你从每次薪水中拿出2%, 而不是5%, 你的退休储蓄,因为你每天都想要更多的钱.1

标志: “谁知道我会活到90岁还是95岁?! 我现在来了,我要好好犒劳自己!” 用未来换取“现在过得更好”是未来v的一个明显标志. 当前自我偏见. 它让我们现在想要确定的东西, and it can mean we end up stealing from our future self simply because we don’t “know” them or take time to 真的 consider ourselves in the future.1

如何停止在金融领域做出偏见驱动的选择 & 体验更好的结果

这些并不是我们在财务生活中可能遇到的唯一隐藏的偏见. 不幸的是, 还有更多, 它们会潜移默化地玷污我们的观点和推理能力.2

That’s more likely to happen when we’re facing all-new decisions or the future seems particularly scary. We’re also susceptible to biases when we just don’t know a lot about the choices we have to make.2

The good news is that we don’t have to navigate all of this alone and it’s never too late to learn more and make better money choices tomorrow. Whether you’re facing high-stakes financial decisions or you simply want to make better choices to stay on track for big-picture goals, 与金融专业人士联系会有所帮助, 特别是 当你例行检查的时候. That’s how the sharpest investors typically fine-tune their outlook and choices for better results.




This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. 鼓励个人向自己的税务或法律顾问寻求建议. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, 包括他们自己的私人法律或税务顾问. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. 版权所有2024 Advisor网站.